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Land Rover Owners Club of Brisbane 

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If you have an interest in Land Rovers then the Brisbane Land Rover Owners Club is for you.  Experience is not necessary; we can help with that.  You own a Land Rover?  Great.  You own a Range Rover?  Wonderful.  Your aspire to own one?  Super.  You have or will soon have an Ineos Grenadier?  No worries, we like them too. 

Apply to join by completing the application form and attend two Club events.  We suggest one meeting and a Club trip.  That will give you a good idea of what the Club is about and provide an opportunity for you to meet like minded Land Rover owners.  There's no joining fee and membership costs just $75 a year for you and your family.  Fees are payable in July and a pro-rata amount is billed if you join at any other time.  Pay nothing now.  The Club will invoice you when you become a full member.

LROCB Membership Application - Free Bundle (unlimited) Subscription period: Half a year No automatically recurring payments

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Contact Us:

Postal Address:
PO Box 63
Fortitude Valley Qld
Australia 4006

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